27th October 2003 – 27 DE OUTUBRO DE
Boa noite, minhas senhoras.
ver todas a mesma coisa? (Conseguimos). Isto confirma que não estão a imaginar.
Estão há demasiado tempo nisto para ser qualquer imaginação. (Sim,
exactamente). Sentimos que podemos chegar muito rapidamente, compreendem, e a
energia não demora tanto a equilibrar porque está habituada. Desde que não
tenhamos muitas paragens, seremos capazes de estar em forma muito rapidamente.
Agora, minhas senhoras, lembram-se do que eu disse sobre o afastamento de Marte
e sobre o campo electromagnético, e a devastação que deixaria para trás?
Lembram-se que previ os fogos, embora pense que alguns foram postos
deliberadamente, outros não, e o vento que os empurrou, compreendem?
(Califórnia) = California.
Vocês também observaram as Manchas Solares Sunspots, e isto tem a ver com o campo electromagnético electro magnetic field e eles não sabem como eles interagirão com o campo electromagnético da Terra.
é algo para observar e esperar. Será uma coisa para NÓS observarmos e
esperarmos, também, porque há muitos anos que não víamos as mancha solares tão
activas, há tanto tempo, em termos dos vossos anos. E mesmo se estivessem
estado activas como estão agora, não posso pensar, seria interessante ver. Seria
uma chicotada negra. Isto é do próprio sol, não tem nada a ver com Marte, mas
até certo ponto envolve o campo magnético, e a perturbação que causa quando se
afasta e o movimento rápido que referi antes. O sol está a ter um tempo de
muita actividade agora, e está a enviar esta energia par o plano da Terra, e
para tudo que cruza o seu caminho.
vamos ver as notícias que tendes deste belo aparelho de aviação que já não voa,
uma coisa tão bonita e um passo à retaguarda. (Concorde). Todos disseram que
era um passo atrás, mas creio, e vocês ainda não sabem, que há alguma coisa na
prancheta drawing board.Isso
levar-vos-ia ao limite da vossa atmosfera, mas teria demasiado peso. Estamos a
falar em cerca de 10 toneladas, e depois teriam o peso do combustível, também,
mas penso que há alguma coisa na prancheta que não vos levará à margem do
espaço mas mais dentro do espaço, onde talvez pudessem organizar a recolha da
energia de que vos falei, e vocês têm os tanques de combustível que vos levam
até lá, e têm a outra energia para continuar para onde quer que seja e quando
terão de esperar e ver, não ouvirão falar disto porque é altamente secreto, mas
eventualmente, lembrar-se-ão do que estou a dizer. (Sim, na verdade). E devem
desenvolver um novo combustível, porque não pode continuar desta maneira, é
ridículo, obsoleto e deve avançar, e devo dizer que estão a avançar, mas esta
coisa do petróleo é um aborrecimento porque estão sempre a lutar por ele o
tempo todo, isso não faz bem a ninguém.
tentar explicar-vos uma coisa, e pudemos meter-nos numa confusão, mas tenho o
Nº 1 para me ajudar. Estou a olhar para o que chamamos ILUSÃO. Compreendo que
há muita gente que pensa que o mundo é uma ilusão? (Sim, pensam). E tudo que
está nele é ilusório.
os electrões e os protões combinam-se para formar um átomo. (sim), e vocês têm
o núcleo do átomo. Agora, um é substância, o electrão é substância, e o protão
é pesado, estão a ver? Agora o electrão e o protão combinaram-se para formar um
átomo, e têm um núcleo dentro. Há um éter que mantém tudo em posição,
compreendem-me, talvez não porque isso gira dentro do átomo a uma velocidade
espantosa, e é isso que lhe dá energia, e é isso que forma as coisas, e é por
isso que vocês as podem VER. Agora, se pegarem numa peça de ferro, vocês observam
que tem substância e que tem peso, os átomos ou os electrões planetários, que é
a estrutura do ferro, e vocês têm 26 Electrões Planetário Planetary Electrons
faz o ferro. Assim, qualquer coisa feita de 26 electrões planetários É ferro.
Não pode ser outra coisa, mas os electrões são electrões planetários, e tem
tudo a ver com substâncias diferentes. A vossa madeira seria mais leve,
portanto não teriam tantos electrões planetários porque é mais leve, e tudo
aquilo que tivesse os mesmos electrões planetários seria madeira. Agora, o
problema que vou dar esta noite é que se tudo É ilusão - e estou a falar de átomos porque os átomos
agrupam-se e formam coisas diferentes, vibram em frequências diferentes, por
isso tendes a formação, o peso da substância, o peso que vocês podem ver, e que
podem tocar. Se se voltarem e olharem para um casa, podem ver a casa; todas as
pessoas podem ver a casa. Se der uma volta, e não vir a casa, e ninguém olhar
para a casa, isso não quer dizer que a casa não esteja lá, mas vocês não a
podem ver porque deram uma volta. Agora, se tornarem a virar, e olharem para a
casa, ONDE É QUE VOCÊS ESTÃO? Podem ver
a casa, e estão aí, mas está uma coisa a acontecer, estão duas coisas a
acontecer, e vou-vos deixar com este pequeno problema, para ver se são capazes
de resolver, para acharem exactamente o que está a acontecer, e porque é que
conseguem ver. É
No. It is
difficult, you have to go away and think about it, for it isn't some thing you
will be able to solve here, and you may never solve it, but there are two
things going on here, and one thing is what are YOU in conjunction with the
house. You understand? You have recorded it so you can look at it again and
read it back again later. It is to do with this illusion thing, I will give you
one hint, it is to do with VIBRATION, and looking along those lines might help
you. You haven't had a word for a long time, so I give you a little problem
instead, well it is a big problem, you may have the answer, you may not, but
anyway, it's something to look at.
(P. May I just
say, is it to do with holograms?) No, no holograms I'm afraid, this is as you
would see it now, as you would see as you look out of the window at the house
across the way. (J. It's to do with vibration). It's to do with vibration………
what are you? (Quite). In conjunction with the house. There are two things
going on and I want you to sort it out and perhaps tell me what you have found
the next time we meet, and you would be interested I feel.
The sunspots
are very active, we do not know why, or what has upset the sun, and it is really
overactive and nearly boiling over, so to speak. (J. They say that the sunspot
effect, has already reached the earth). They say that you will have electrical
breakdowns, blackouts or whatever you call them, probably machinery will falter
and stop, and anything to do with the electromagnetic field you see will
interact with it, and it cannot not be because of this is, as it has already
been disrupted, they will reach the earth, but will be diluted to a certain
degree, but will be enough of a problem, to cause more disruption. (J. Yes, do
you think it is to do with what is going on in the universe generally?) This is
possibly right, although the sun is a law unto itself in many ways. For there
is no living thing of any description that could go near it, you understand me,
on it or in it, you couldn't because of the pure heat, and heat affects
everything even us, even light you couldn't. You couldn't go near it. I don't
think…. I won't say exactly…..no, no I cannot….Solar Geometry
( J. Is its
purpose to sustain life?) Yes, one of it's purposes, (J. A side effect?) it is
a side effect that is does sustain life obviously as it brings light and
warmth, but that isn't exactly why it is here, is that what you mean? (Yes,
yes). It would be as you say, one of the side effects from it, well everything
is held in its own position, you understand, one thing works in with another,
so this could be quite disruptive in a way, not only for your earth planet, but
for whatever else gets in its way, when its throwing off these flares.(Like space stations).
( A. Shall we
keep on with the remote viewing?) Indeed, we feel it is not done enough as you
seem to not have the time. (J. We will have to make the time). The absent
healing too, I don't know about that either, you will have to gather together
and see if you wanted to do that, but do go on with the remote viewing if you
can, maybe you could make another time as well. You need a bit more
concentrated effort, once every now and then is not enough? We cannot help you
with this, as it needs to come from you yourself. For that is how we want you
to develop it from your own mind, from your own brain, to use that, we cannot
help you with that. You must be independent from us and that is how it should
be. If we could influence you in that way, then others could do so too, you
understand me? (Perfectly), and you wouldn't know which was which. Do not
worry, you are going to develop yourself, your own mind and your own brain,
this is how we want you to go on, because this is how it has been done in the
past, and there is no reason for you not to be able to do it, you don't have to
have any particular academic qualification or that sort. We will bring
something to your notice later that you may find a little more exciting.
(J. May I ask
you something? At night when I am asleep, I have very, very vivid dreams, and
also I seem to understand a lot when I wake up, I seem to have worked out some
of the puzzles of life, but by the morning I have completely forgotten what I
understood. I have flashes of the reality that I think is the reality, the
truth it seems, but it's always at night and not so much during the day. Does
something happen to one at night, to me?)
You are more
receptive at night, you do not have the worries that you have normally, you are
more relaxed, and so we can approach. (J. Ah, I thought so), we can inspire
you, you see because you are in a relaxed mode, and this is good as we can come
to you, but the thing you see my friend, is that really you need a pad and
paper perhaps and write one or two things down before you drop off again. If
you can remember to do that it will be a help to you, and this would help you
later on in the day when you get the flashbacks, and you will be able to put
some of the pieces together. (J. During the day, I get quick flashbacks and
flashes of inspiration, but they are too short to cling onto. ) The
subconscious is remembering some of what we have already inspired you with in
the night. It is a time when we can come, we may all three come or just No1 he
is an inspiration.
(A. We are
very grateful for his inspiration,) I know, we do laugh, but he carries a great
deal of power, we have these little jokes between us all but at the end of the
day, time again, he is very, very powerful, and very knowledgeable, nearly as
knowledgeable as me!! Laughs. We better be careful as we might make him
(J. Do you
have these sorts of emotions; you are beyond this aren't you?)
We cannot
fully understand, although we try to understand the emotional feelings of a
human, but it is difficult really for us, we can only get glimpses of it so to
speak, we can only get so much information that way, we try to understand, we
do understand, but the actual emotions we know and can feel in a different way,
it is really difficult to tell you, as we sense the vibration and the light, it
is to do with the lightness of our being that we can sense your emotions. If
you are very upset we can tell, because your vibration is different again than
when you are normal, and it is really the vibration that we pick up on. We are
very finely tuned that way as regards vibration, we must be or we couldn't be
here you see we've travelled far in a short space of time, and this is all to
do with the vibration, the happiness we can sense, and the vibration from your
bodies into your energy field, we can pick up on that. We know when you are
happy, we know when you are sad, we know when things aren't going right, then
we try to inspire you to sort things out in the best way you understand me? I
hope this will be of some help to you, but my friends, do write things down if
you have a chance, sometimes it is so fleeting you know you cannot remember it,
you have to write it down as it is sometimes gone. Somewhere in the
subconscious, we will try to stamp it there because it will replay, and
sometimes it is in bits, but you will have to piece it together as best way you
can. (We have what we call Eureka moments with,” this is it, this is it”, and
we must write it down as its gone by morning)
We come in on
the vibration to help you with your problems, to help you see the light.
I must go now,
my ladies and I have brought you a little of this and a little of that, and I
will be interested in you r comments about the house. (J. I thought I was going
to have a quiet week but I'm not, laughs), I thought you might get bored,
laughs. We have to liven things up a little. I shan't tell you what No 1is
saying. (A. Is there anything we can do for you as you give us so much?) No,
there isn't anything that you can do for us, thank you, we are sort of self
sufficient in one way and another, and we interact with one another and other
Light Beings you know, and we travel very quickly from here to there, so there
isn't anything unfortunately that you could help us with. It is very kind of
you to think of that.
Just before I
go, as usual, and No1's metaphorically shaking his head, as he was getting
ready to alter the energy, I have heard, and the instrument has heard, of so
many people suffering from the aches and pains. Now I have told you that this
is where we are trying to take the light body into the 4 th dimension and you
unfortunately will suffer a little, of back pains and legs and of course the
head, and like you say my friend the balance problems as well, but in the light
of some of it you should seek medical advice, (J. I have). Yes the instrument
already knows that you have, as we pick up the information from her, but the
odd spasm of dizziness is part of this drawing into the 4 th dimension, and its
no good telling people about it because they wont believe you and think they
have the flu, (laughs), and some of them have got the flu. (Laughs), and you
were told you would be taken kicking and screaming and this is what is going
(J. We have a
human expression, no pain no gain). In one way it's true, but in another No1 is
saying that he doesn't believe it. (J. He's a light body, that's why). We
cannot experience pain, but if we come on in the right vibration, it is
terrible; the vibration is awful. I will leave you now my friends, and don't
forget what I've said to you, and we will try to help you along the line. (We
appreciate that). I will come and visit you again.
No 2
My friends, I
have come to be with you, it is quite a privilege to be amongst you and your
friends, to bring you the Divine Light, for you have the light within you my
friends, the Divinity; and it is this that shines out as I have said before and
take it to the dark corners so that they may be illuminated, and you may bring
it perhaps to your friends as well, to bring the knowledge of the word to the
Divine one; for it is here that all the knowledge is; and I bring you the
chalice once again of love, so that you may drink from it once again my
friends, and take it to your beloved ones and the friends that are around you,
for you need help at this time. You may wonder why I say this but believe you
me, you do need help at this time, so I bring you this so you may take to them
and help them, and try to tell them that they have the light of the Divinity
within them, so that the light can be seen within them. For there will always
be the dark corners, there will always be the dark corners, but all you can do
is try my friends, all you can do is try. Tell them about what you do and what
you understand, and spread the love to all the dark corners. I must go now, but
I will return again, with the love of the Divinity.
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